A Grown up I Must Be (By: Noelle Beck)

I wrote this several years ago, while sitting on St. Thomas and wishing something particularly winsome and whimsical. I found it again just yesterday and wondered where that girl had gone, because I miss her dearly. She used to watch the sunrise every morning and now she doesn't.

A Grown Up I Must Be

A Grown up I must be,
When the night is through.
My child ways -
I'll put aside,
When sunrise greets the day.
But please, I say -
For just tonight,
Let youth be all I have-
With all the dreams she does possess,
And fancies of a fairy kind.
I promise true -
When morning comes-
I'll grow up soul and mind.
But for this time I see-
It's distant yet-
A child I can be.


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