HEAVEN'S BABE IN MANGER LAY (By: Kathryn Thorn Bowsher)

On that first glad Christmas morn,
When Jesus Christ, our Lord, was born,
Shepherds knelt in homage there,
While Mary breathed sweet mother's prayer.
Angel voices sang of Him,
God's only Son, Who saves from sin;
"Peace on earth, goodwill to men,"
Resounded over Bethlehem,
Echoing through Heaven and earth
In praise of Jesus' holy birth.

Heaven's Babe in manger lay
To bless mankind that wondrous day;
Life eternal God bestowed
So men might walk life's narrow road
Led by Jesus, day by day,
Empowered by Him - the truth, the Way.
May all praise be given Him,
Our blessed Lord, who died for sin,
And to God, who gave His Son,
Heaven's priceless Gift.



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