God is our Hope!

Sometimes our lives are weighed down and oppressed,
And our faith is put to the ultimate test.
Our minds are tormented by Satan, we cry;
As we run to God with doubts, asking, "Why?"
Our afflicted souls are so burdened with fear,
Sleepless nights, and wondering if God is near.
We are lost in the depths of despair,
Finding it hard to climb out, to just bear.
The darkness just will not lift;
We think we are floating adrift.
YET we know our hope is in God!
So we continue to faithfully trod.
We plead before God to rescue us and hasten;
But He forces us to learn, and His Will is to chasten.
We hang on and follow the path we know;
We humbly pray for deliverance to show.
God’s precious words become our daily food,
Helping us to change our clouded attitude.
We learn to wait on the Lord to lift the load,
As we continue to serve down the right road.
Our Father continues to pluck and weed,
Pouring out His grace and mercy to feed.
Our faith is being built, as we take up our crosses,
Willing, no matter the cost or the losses.
God finally becomes our total dependency;
Relying on ourselves was our past tendency!
We finally put ourselves in God’s sovereign Hands,
As we learn to endure and trust in His plans!
When we were in complete dismay,
He did not let us go astray.
He has been sanctifying us all along,
Opening our eyes to our sin and our wrong.
Focused on Christ, we no longer lose sight,
As He becomes our all in this spiritual fight!
Now more aware of wretched sin to forgive,
We see what our Savior went through to let us live!
Other troubles and stresses of life will come,
Which bring more lessons of value to learn from.
Our lives will be testimonies as He has planned,
As we find refuge in our solid Rock, not sinking sand.
Trials may come, but in His Timing, also end,
And we have a God upon whom we can fully depend.
He gives peace and always brings us through;
He comforts our hearts and sends fresh seasons to renew.
We humbly lay at our Savior’s feet,
Until that day when we are made complete!
The moment Jesus will be revealed
Is the time our souls will be totally healed!
Soon despair and Satan will be destroyed and in the past;
Oh, God is our Hope and will return at last!


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