God Knows Best (By: James Stewart-Pastor and Professor and Theologian in the early 1900's)

"The cry of the earth's anguish went up unto God,
'Lord, take away pain,
The shadow that darkens the world Thou hast made,
The close-coiling chain
That strangles the heart, the burden that weighs
On the wings that would soar.
Lord, take away pain from the world Thou hast made
That it love thee the more.'
Then answered the Lord to the world He made,
'Shall I take away pain?
And with it the power of the soul to endure
Made strong by the strain?
Shall I take away pity that knits heart to heart
And sacrifice high?
Will ye lose all your heroes who lift from the flame
White brows to the sky?
Shall I take away love that redeems with a price
And smiles through the loss.
Can ye spare from the lives that would climb unto mine
The Christ on His Cross?"


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