Margaret Clarkson knew suffering well her whole life. She lived her life in constant chronic pain from migraines and arthritis. Her first words as a child were, "My head hurts."
At age 3, she was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis and was bedridden for a long time. She was a lonely teacher in Canada but grew in the Lord and learned to rest in Him and His sovereignty.
She found great comfort in hymns. She was active at church but felt she was different than others and was shy. But she loved to sing and write hymns.
Her home life as a child was unhappy, and her parents divorced when she was 13. As an adult, she lived in a run-down summer cottage she bought only accessible by water. She had many poems, hymns, and books published, including
“Grace Grows Best in Winter” and “Destined for Glory.” She continued to place her faith and trust in her Savior. During a life of trials, she sensed God’s grace and mercy and communicated it in the hymns she wrote. One well-known hymn she wrote at a young age was “So Send I You.”


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