“Father knows best,” so the saying goes;
The man with all the answers and the one who knows.
As the head and the guide, he is sometimes stern;
But his living example is how children most learn.
He is protector and provider, like his Father wills;
After working all day, he comes home to pay the bills.
It’s a time-consuming blessing and very rewarding,
As instructor of lives, yet sometimes a recording.
Father must listen, as well as train and guide;
As he critiques, yet supports, always on their side.
A good father is the one to daily sacrifice,
Putting family first, offering sound advice.
Fathers have patience and love to share;
They ‘wear many hats,’ and try to be fair.
A father has hands so gentle, yet strong;
He teaches his children right from wrong.
A father challenges his family to faithfully serve,
In spite of tests and trials at every curve.
He celebrates their happy times and success,
And exhorts them to pray and their sins, confess.
A father ministers to needs every day,
Finding peace and joy in giving away;
Sharing books that will help them grow,
And encouraging commitment in God to flow.
Fathers who love God point to the Savior and Son,
Reminding their children of the crown to be won!
They show them their need of atoning grace,
how He forgave their sins and took their place.
The love of a good father is to be greatly treasured.
He also makes times for family fun and pleasure.
His family learns from the humility he shows
And thrives on his wisdom and everything he knows.
Fathers make it a point to build up and commend.
Devoted and faithful, on whom, we depend.
They look out for each child and lovingly defends;
As each child grows up, they become special friends.
Like their heavenly Father, they calm each fear
And are there for their children year after year.
I thank my God with all my heart
For giving me this kind of father from the start!
He certainly knows better than all the rest.
When God chose him for me, I was richly blessed!
To my Dad, “Happy Father’s Day!”
“May God bless you in every way!”


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